Tagged: dogs


Top Feeding Tips When Traveling with Your Dog

At the sight of you hopping into the driver seat, your dog, wagging its tail and barking excitedly, cajoles you to let him tag along. Deny the request and expect torn shoes and bitten...


What Would Happen to your Pets if you Died?

What Would Happen to Your Pets If You Died? by Sarah Kessler Unfortunately, one of the reasons pets end up in shelters is because of owners who pass away without plans in place for...


2021 Annual Report

Great River Rescue Releases 2021 Annual Report July 18, 2022 Great River Rescue is committed to transparency, accountability, and high standards of care. For that reason, each year, an annual report providing an overview...


Deworming Your Pets

Deworming Your Pets The topic of deworming can be very unpleasant for most of us. It is important though to protect our pets from these parasites that can cause serious health problems. Check out...


Loose Leash Training

Loose Leash Training Your dog loves going on walks, but sometimes you don’t love taking her. Is it because she yanks on the leash constantly? Your peaceful walk with the dog can suddenly become...


Dog Bathing Tips

Dog Bathing Tips Give your dog a bath can be one of the most unpleasant experiences for you and your dog. But it doesn’t have to be. Check out the resources below for some...


Unusual Eating Habits in Pets

Unusual Eating Habits in Pets Sometimes are pets get into things that they shouldn’t. Sometimes they even eat non-food items which can cause serious, even life-threatening medical complications. For that reason, it is important...


COVID-19 Response

Great River Rescue’s Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak Over the past few weeks, news regarding the Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak has been everywhere. At this point, it is clear that it will and has affected every...

Great River Rescue