Sookie aka Panda


Thanks for sending the photo’s of Panda. We have re-named her Sookie and we are very happy to have her as a part of our family. We fell in love with her right away! She is sweet and affectionate as well as playful, curious and obedient. She is smart and learns fast!
We have a 7 year old male dog and they have become good pals. Last year we had to say goodbye to our 12 year old female dog Lacey. It broke our hearts. We waited for another special girl to come our way, and Sookie is the one. She has helped us to heal from our loss. We have had a number of dogs through the years and Sookie is right up there with the best of them. We will love her and care for her the rest of her, hopefully, long life.
We live on 50 acres and Sookie loves to run and play with Dempsey and she loves to play in the water. She is also good at just hanging out with us in the house. Jeff and I both work at home, so we are all together most of the time.

Thank you for the good care that you gave her for her 1st 2 months of life. She is very well adjusted and healthy.

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